Кто я?
I like learning things about people. I like finding out where they're from, what their favorite food is, which movies they could watch over and over and over, what kinds of music keep them going on long drives or help them relax. I like learning how people think or what they believe, even if (as difficult as it can be), whether it's spiritually or culturally or politically. And because I like learning things about people, maybe you're the same, so maybe this will be fun for you. Worst case scenario, my ego gets fed. Win win. I'm Steve, a 40-year-old (at the time of this writing) guy living in mid-Missouri working as a journalist, married for 15+ years to a just un-matchably awesome woman named Tamara who teaches high school-level Spanish. No kids for us, just a dog named Bacon who is spoiled rotten but sweeter and kinder than probably 99.9% of living creatures. My fashion sense has only improved since I met Tamara I've lived in mid-Missouri my entire life, save a tw...