It's been a long time, hasn't it?
I mean since I really wrote something here. Sure, the James Bond thing was fun and the Jack Ryan thing was...a thing. But I miss writing from my brain, from my heart, from my soul.
Not that I really ever have anything super meaningful or profound furiously scratching at the inside of my skull, clamoring to get out. But sometimes there's that itch, that nagging little mind goblin who stops munching on neurons long enough to say "hey wait a second, what if you said something about that?" I haven't thought of a name for this goblin yet. Something monosyllabic seems fitting.
Why "two rubles?"
A few weeks ago I put out some thoughts on Twitter, and started my ideas with "just my two kopecks," and I liked it. I changed it to rubles here because more people are familiar with rubles than with kopecks.
(Rubles = dollars in Russian currency, kopecks = cents, so kopecks thematically fits better as an alternative to "my two cents" but it's my blog and I'll do as I please. Besides, I don't think I have two 1-kopeck pieces for a header photograph, but I have a lot of ruble coins)
What will I write? Not sure. Probably an eclectic meshanina of stuff - political, religious, cultural, personal, odd, out-of-left-field. We'll see.
But hopefully the hamster wheels in my head can keep up the turnings and spinnings, and hopefully you're not bored by all of it.