To Celebrate Our Nation...

Here is some entertainment appropriate to the spirit of the day. Some are funny, some are solemn, and some in between- enjoy and have a Happy Independence Day!

- Some Fourth of July fun from a Great Patriot...

- The National Anthem from a Great American Musician...

- Honoring the veterans with a piece of the past...

- Scenes from Gettysburg, a battle in which the final skirmishes were fought on July 4, 1863.

- Scenes from Glory, one of the finest movies made about the Civil War.

Happy Fourth of July!


Tamara said…
Can't wait to go see the fireworks w/ ya tonite!

♥ you!
Love the Homestar Runner. And the picture from Baghdad with Billy Joel (who is a great entertainer but truly not a great singer - sorry, folks). The film clips are great. Gotta watch Glory again (a sanitized version unless the rating has been watered down). And, didn't we buy Gettysburg?
Peeser said…
great moments- thanks for again sharing clips from two wonderful films (though i have yet to see Gettysburg, all i have seen of it has been fantastic, and i fully intend to force you to lend it to me when i come home later on this month ;)
Julina said…
I finally watched thesr (the library was closed for the 4th).

Thanks for finding and posting them. I get dibs on Gettysburg after Elise :-)

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