Holy Awesome Unexpected Present!

This is what I never expected to get for Christmas. About a month ago, I had made a completely mindless, inane and off-hand comment to the effect of, "I think I'd like a guitar for Christmas."
Did Tamara hear it? Yes. Did I expect her to get me one? A little part of me entertained the possibility until Christmas morning, when a guitar failed to be under our Christmas tree. Indeed, I had crowned myself king of the 2009 Lambson family gift-giving by providing a new CD clock radio AND tickets to see Tim McGraw to my wife.
Then, when we got to Tamara's parents' house, my kingdom crumbled. As I was helping to prepare waffles for breakfast, Tamara told me to join her in the living room. As I entered, my gaze fell upon a long, big, flat box, and my heart soared! I knew immediately that my secret Christmas wish, forgotten in receiving movies and video games and comfy clothes for the holiday, had been realized.
Tamara got me a guitar! A fantastic, beautiful, sweet-looking acoustic guitar! I think the only thing that came close to how excited I was is Tamara's satisfaction at completely surprising me and giving me something she knew I would love.
Wow. My hat is forever off to you, dear wife. I really don't know how I'll ever top that.
Now that I've got a guitar, maybe I have a shot at becoming one of these:
Yeah, right.

This is what I never expected to get for Christmas. About a month ago, I had made a completely mindless, inane and off-hand comment to the effect of, "I think I'd like a guitar for Christmas."
Did Tamara hear it? Yes. Did I expect her to get me one? A little part of me entertained the possibility until Christmas morning, when a guitar failed to be under our Christmas tree. Indeed, I had crowned myself king of the 2009 Lambson family gift-giving by providing a new CD clock radio AND tickets to see Tim McGraw to my wife.
Then, when we got to Tamara's parents' house, my kingdom crumbled. As I was helping to prepare waffles for breakfast, Tamara told me to join her in the living room. As I entered, my gaze fell upon a long, big, flat box, and my heart soared! I knew immediately that my secret Christmas wish, forgotten in receiving movies and video games and comfy clothes for the holiday, had been realized.
Tamara got me a guitar! A fantastic, beautiful, sweet-looking acoustic guitar! I think the only thing that came close to how excited I was is Tamara's satisfaction at completely surprising me and giving me something she knew I would love.
Wow. My hat is forever off to you, dear wife. I really don't know how I'll ever top that.
Now that I've got a guitar, maybe I have a shot at becoming one of these:
Yeah, right.
♥ you!
Whatever. Biscuits & Gravy and JELLY.