Sorry and Thank You

Tamara is sick right now. It's the usual cold/stuffy/runny/sore throat/tired/headache mess that hits her throughout the school year. She was in bed by 7:30 last night, so that gives you some idea of how bad she was feeling. When she's in such a state, she need someone to pamper her, dote on her, do everything they can to make her feel as comfortable as possible.

And I failed her.

Now, I didn't commit some egregious mistake or completely ignore her. What am I, an ogre? (Don't answer that). But her evening pass would have passed more smoothly without me whining about playing board games on the floor because my back hurts a bit or tuning her out in favor of World News Tonight. I can do better than that. I can be softer, more tempered, more patient, less selfish, more empathetic, less pathetic.

So, in some semblance of an apology, I want to tell Tamara "Thank you."

Thank you for smiling even when life weighs heavy on your shoulders.

Thank you for giving me someone to miss when I'm at work.

Thank you for making wonderful home-cooked meals.

Thank you for letting me indulge my sweet tooth from time to time.

Thank you for letting me show my inner nerd on occasion.

Thank you for looking so beautiful every single day.

Thank you for finding clothes that make me look good.

Thank you for never letting me be content with just getting by, for spurring me to move towards better and best.

Thank you for being my support, be it at work, church or wherever we go.

Thank you for getting me to laugh even when that's the last thing I want to do.

Thank you for helping me stay anchored when the winds of reality are strong.

Thank you for daily reminders of why I fell in love with you in the first place.

Thank you.


Tamara said…
I love you too! And you don't have to be sorry for anything. You being yourself is JUST what I need!

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