The End of an Era (Albeit a Small One)

Today marks the end of my short but (sometimes) sweet tenure at KRCG, the CBS affiliate for mid-Missouri. Long story short, they tried to lay me off a month ago, it didn't happen, so they tried to keep me, and that's not happening. As soon as I heard the words "lay off," I started looking for other opportunities and found a great one as the new assignment editor at KMIZ, the ABC/Fox affiliate for mid-Missouri.

And it appears I got out none too soon- the week I was to be laid off, two other staff were let go as well. In the last two days alone, KRCG cut its weekend director and...this was a BIG shock...the sports director of 23 years, Rod Smith (yes, of "Rod's Big'Ol Fish" fame). I heard that and was stunned. I knew Barrington (the company that owns KRCG) was wielding a sharp and liberal knife, but I didn't think people as stalwart, accomplished and veteran as Rod Smith would factor into the chopping block equation. I figured I made good fodder, since I was relatively new and the morning show was overstaffed. But Rod's departure tells me there may be more termites in the Barrington/KRCG wood than is readily observable.

Needless to say, comments from soon-to-be-former colleagues to the effect of "you're lucky you're getting out now" have been plentiful.

But enough negativity- I could go on for some time. I am truly grateful for the opportunity I had to work here. I learned a lot, developed skills that will be very useful for me in the near and distant futures, and made some good friends and professional associations.

Dick and Monica, the morning anchors, are awesome and nice and professional and funny and were especially helpful when I first started. Brian, the other producer, did a good job teaching me the ropes and not giving me too much grief about being a Mormon. Alex, the video editor, was always good for entertaining conversation and commentary. Kyle and Michele, the directors, made sure the show never got too boring. Chester, the first weather guy, always yelled at me for scripts even when he didn't use them; and Zach, the second weather guy, was always good for some dry humor. Craig, the assignment editor turned web guru, always came in with a good mood and a funny story about his adorable little girl.

Yeah, I'm gonna miss them. I might even miss this place a little (though I won't miss the commute, the mice, or the spiders). I'm very excited about my new job and very eager to start, but overall this was a pretty good chapter of my life.

(from left: Michele, Dick, Alex, Monica, Brian, Me, Kyle, Craig)


Tamara said…
I'm thrilled you got this new job/opportunity. It really has turned out to be such a HUGE blessing & you haven't even started yet. I'm excited for all the new challenges and fun things you will discover about Journalism, and even more about yourself. You have so many talents, some of which you have yet to find. This is just the beginning of an exciting career, love!
Mary Victoria said…
What a great comment from your wife! Congrats on your new position and your new is starting!

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