And His Name Shall Be Called Crunchy, Cheesy...

An amusing story from the CBS affiliate in Houston, Texas, about another sighting of the Big to speak. There's an important question at the end, so don't stop after the story.

HOUSTON -- People come to Memorial Drive United Methodist to worship, to feel close to God.
You might expect to see Jesus in a place like this church.
"They are searching for something. Looking for something,” said youth minister Steve Cragg.
Still, he never expected what he saw when he came across a certain snack food.
"It does have an image of Jesus with his arms out. Praying,” said Cragg. “It's just pretty cool.”
No shock to find a symbol of Jesus in a church. But Cragg did not find this Jesus hanging on the wall; he found it in a bag of Cheetos.
"When I first saw it. Oh, it kind of looks like a dog or something with the two legs. Then I turned it on its side. I was fixing to eat it,” said Cragg. “And that is the image I saw. I don't think the heavenly choir actually started singing, but in my mind they did."
The chip has quite a reputation here. Some call it The Cheeto. Others call it J Cheeto.
“But one of the guys just looked very calmly and said, his name shall be Cheesus,” said Cragg.
The nickname has caught on.
"This one just reminded me of Cheesus. Jesus. Sorry,” said Cragg.
The folks at Memorial Drive United Methodist know this is no miracle. It is a Cheeto. But that does not mean it cannot serve a higher purpose.
"If you are looking for God in different places you can find God in different places,” said Cragg.
Symbol or snack?
"I don't think God makes Cheetos that look like Jesus. I'm not sure grilled cheese sandwiches look like the Virgin Mary,” said Cragg. “I do know that God reveals himself to us in a lot of different ways."
It is not something you have to work to see.
"That's all I'm thinking about. It looks like Jesus you know,” said Brandon Felts after 11 News showed him the special snack. "When you look at it you ponder. It looks like Jesus."
But others say there is another possibility.
"I gotta say it looks a little bit like Lieutenant Dan from Forrest Gump,” said one man.
But for most, even on a first quick glance?
"El NiƱo. Jesus,” exclaimed the church’s cleaning lady as she pointed to the heavens. She had never seen Cheesus before.
No doubt, it is special to Cragg. He keeps it a box, so this Cheeto does not end up like all the others- serving the stomach instead of the soul.

So, as you go about your business today and tomorrow and the rest of this year, before you do anything, ask yourself:

What would Cheesus do?


J.Ammon said…
What if they had Jesus shaped poo?
Kirsti said…
What. The. Heck. A CHEETO? That's crazy. And I agree with Joe...heheh.
Sarah Lambson said…
tee hee! Now I really want Cheeto's!
Peeser said…
you know,quite frankly, it looks like he is sitting rather than kneeling- I don't think Jesus sat while he prayed in the Garden. But then, if you can twist the perception of this Cheeto into imagining Jesus, I suppose one could imagine him in almost any pose they want...

(btw- the name of my blog is just an advertising tagline for this Czech car company that Esther and I thought was hilarious)

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